Next Week In Year 4

Week beginning 20th May


Class 4a will have their cube jar treat on Monday afternoon. They have opted for a sports session so can come to school in their PE kit if they so wish.


Please make sure that your child has a hooded, waterproof coat at school every day. We do go outside in light rain so a waterproof coat is essential. Thank you.



English: News Reports

Planning and writing a series of news bulletins to report Boudicca's rebellion to the Romans back home.



The children on colour-band books are given time in class on Mondays and Thursdays to change their reading books. These should be recorded on their reading record sheet. Children who are free-reading can change their books on any day.

Please send reading books to school every day, not just on these days. 


Maths: Fractions greater than 1

Changing between improper fractions and mixed nubers


History: Ruthless Romans

The legacy of the Romans in Britannia



Tuesday: Gymnastics 

Thursday: Rounders

Please ensure that long hair is tied up.

Earrings must be removed for all PE sessions



What special skills and interests do we have?


PPA is covered by RE and Music this half term


RE: What is the best way for a Jew to show their commitment to God?

Comparing the different ways in which Jews show their commitment to God


Music: Wider Opps











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