Next Week In Year 4
Week beginning 10th February
Year 4 will have their Talent Show auditions on Tuesday morning.
Please could performers bring to school any music, equipment or instruments required for their act.
English Writing: Poetry
We will continue writing our narrative poems of Perseus meeting Medusa
English - Reading
We will be looking at the story 'The Iron Man'
Children will have the opportunity to change their colour-band reading books twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. Please ensure that your child has their book in school every day as they may be asked to read to an adult on any day of the week.
English - Spelling
Mrs Mitchell's group: Stage 2, Step 16 - adding er and est to words ending with y
Mr Lavin's group: Stage 3, Step 5 - words ending with ture
Mrs Granville/Mrs Hill's group: Stage 4, Step 17 - words ending ious and eous
Examples of words following these rules can be found on the attachments under the 'Spellings' tab. The children can also log into Spelling Shed to play games follwoing these rules.
Maths - coordinates
Give directions and move objects on a grid, describe translations of polygons on a grid, draw polygons specified by translations, mark the position of points specified by coordinates
Science - States of Matter
Evaporation and condensation
Art - Greek vases
Looking at and drawing the different styles of Greek vase. Drawing humans in different positions using correct proportions. Creating a vase design in the style of the Ancient Greek pots
PE (Tuesday indoor, Thursday outdoor)
Please ensure that long hair is tied up and earrings are removed.
RE - How important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do?
The seder plate
PSHE - Safety
Internet safety
PPA is Wednesday afternoon this will be covered with the following subjects:
Music: Wider Opportunities
Delivered by Love Music Trust teachers and Mrs Strafford
Delivered by Ms Andrews