Our Local Community
Holmes Chapel Primary School in our local community
We access our local community in our curriculum wherever possible to enhance our curriculum. This includes:
- Geography field trips, exploring the locality, developing map skills
- Developing art and design skills related to our local area
- Exploring the history of our local area
We support our community in a variety of ways, including:
- PCSO assembly visits and workshops about keeping safe
- Assemblies led by representatives from local churches
- Visits to churches in the village to enhance our RE curriculum and also for events such as the Knitted Bible display and the Remembrance service
- Visits to the local library and participation in the annual reading challenge
- Visits from local organisations to learn about people who help us eg. fire fighers, veterinary nurses
- Our choir singing at the Village Christmas Market and at local care homes
- High school students accessing work experience at our school on a regular basis
- Bikeability for our Year 5 and Year 6 children
- Active support for Walk to School week in conjunction with the Parish Council
- An active PTFA organising events throughout the year – Christmas Fair, Summer Fair
- Attending the annual Civic Service representing our school at St Luke’s Church
- Children and staff represent our school at the annual Remembrance service
- Collection of donations for local food banks
- Close links with pre-school settings
- Reading volunteers from within the community
- Sports events with cluster schools hosted by the local High School
- Pen-pal links with local care homes