Year 5 2024 - 2025
Miss Roxburgh
Miss Ackerley
Welcome to Year 5
In Year 5, you will be learning about many new and exciting topics, including:
History: Vikings and The Golden Age of Islam: Baghdad AD900.
Geography: Mountains.
Computing: Coding, Online Safety, Spreadsheets, Databases, 3D Modelling and Concept Maps
PE: Gymnastics, Leadership, Dodgeball, Dance, Netball, Athletics, Rounders and Health Related Fitness, Swimming.
RE: Hinduism and Christianity.
Science: Space, Living Things, Animals including Humans, Separating Materials and Forces.
DT: Cooking, Circuits and Structures
French: Weather, Clothes and Houses/Buildings.
Year 5 PE days
Class 5 - Tuesday (outdoor PE), Wednesday (indoor PE)
Class 5a- Tuesday (outdoor PE), Wednesday (indoor PE)
We want to celebrate your achievements outside school by sharing them with everyone on a whole school display in the corridor by the library. When you win something or achieve in an event/sport/hobby, bring in a photocopy of your certificate or a photograph of yourself participating in the event or of the trophy/medal you have won. Please make sure you put your name on your contribution and a bit of information about your achievement. Please don’t send in trophies/medals or original certificates because we don’t want to risk losing them!
Files to Download
Year 5: Calendar items
Online residential information meeting for Year 5 parents: 4:30pm, by Miss Bradshaw
Year 5 Allotment session, by Miss Bradshaw
Year 5 residential to Conway Centre, by Miss Bradshaw