We all enjoyed British Science Week 2024. Our whole school biscuit investigation was a great success and we learnt that the best biscuit to dunk is a...... Hobnob. Well done to all the children (young Scientists) for their careful testing and fantastic homework entries. Thank you to everyone who completed the Science jobs homework; the KS1 homework winner was Kira (Yr1) and the KS2 winner was Darcey (Yr5).
Click here for home learning ideas
The curriculum is aligned to the National Curriculum Science programme of study to provide the foundations for understanding the world through Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The children develop their scientific knowledge through Biology, Chemistry and Physics units of work while Science enquiry skills are woven through each unit of work.
Science enquiry skills:
- Observing over time
- Pattern seeking
- Identifying, classifying and grouping
- Comparative and fair testing
- Researching using secondary sources
The PLAN Science resources are used as a basis for planning to ensure our Science curriculum follows a spiral approach with each unit of work building on prior knowledge. Science in EYFS is taught through the ‘understanding the world’ area of learning and development. Assessment judgements are made on the children’s scientific knowledge against the Early Learning Goals (EYFS) and specific end points for each unit (Years 1-6).
EYFS Science Curriculum
Children in reception work towards the 'Understanding the World' Early Learning Goals. They are given opportunities to comment on and ask questions about their familiar world and the natural world; they are encouraged to look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and changes, make observations of plants and animals, explain why some things occur and talk about the plants, animals and natural objects they have found. They develop an understanding of growth, decay and changes over time and show care and concern for living things and the environment. The children are encouraged to talk about the features of their own immediate environment and about how environments may vary from one another.
Science Curriculum
The children will be taught to work Scientifically through the folowing units:
Year 1
- Animals, including humans
- Plants
- Everday Materials
- Seasonal Changes
Year 2
- Animals, including humans
- Plants
- Living things and their habitats
- Uses of everyday materials
Year 3
- Animals, including humans
- Plants
- Rocks
- Light
- Forces & Magnets
Year 4
- Animals, including humans
- Living things and their habitats
- States of matter
- Electricity
- Sound
Year 5
- Animals, including humans
- Living things and their habitats
- Earth and Space
- Forces
- Properties and changes of materials
Year 6
- Animals, incuding humans
- Evolution and inheritance
- Living things and their habitats
- Electricity
- Light