See what our Parents/Carers say about how Holmes Chapel Primary School supports children with SEND (Parent/Carer Survey for SEND July 2024) below:
"Good communication, always happy to help and answer any questions. Always put the child first and consider their views too." |
"The teachers really care, offer great support and there is a sense of community. The school overall does a great job, considering the wider challenges in the education system."
"Providing a safe and happy environment for the children"
"Caring and tolerant environment"
"Thanks for your continued support, our son continues to progress both socially and academically. This has been achieved through the support from all of the staff at HCPS."
"We really value the school, the community and the hard work of the teachers and support staff."
Holmes Chapel Primary School
Holmes Chapel Primary School is an inclusive school that welcomes and celebrates diversity. All staff believe having high self-esteem is crucial to a child’s emotional well-being and academic progress. We have a caring, understanding team who look after all of our children in school.
We recognise that you know your child best and you may feel that they need some additional help or support for some or all of their time at school. Our SEND (Special Educational Needs/Disability) page is to inform you about the support we offer at Holmes Chapel Primary School and hopefully it will help you to understand who can help and how this support can be accessed.
Teaching and Learning
Children learn and develop in different ways. Teachers know and understand this and use different teaching styles to plan work at different levels in order to meet the needs of all pupils in their class. This is called Quality First Teaching. Our aim is to provide the highest quality learning environment for your child and for them to achieve their full potential. All our classes are supported by teaching assistants and pupils are offered additional support or catch up intervention programmes where needed. Not all children will need extra support with their learning but the progress of all children at Holmes Chapel Primary School is monitored closely to ensure support is provided where necessary. Support can be given for a variety of reasons. For many children, a little additional support and support from other agencies enables them to overcome their difficulties. However, some children will continue to need more help throughout their time at school.
At Holmes Chapel Primary School, we are passionate about supporting all our children to achieve their full potential and we strive to meet the needs of all pupils within our school. All staff are aware of SEND within the school and receive high quality information and training. We aim to quickly identify pupils, who are making limited progress and provide targeted interventions and support to meet their needs. We ensure that parents are fully aware of the SEND process and informed of their child’s learning regularly throughout the year. We are a fully inclusive school and have strong links with the Local Authority, Health Professionals and organisations within our community. Our environment at Holmes Chapel Primary School, is developing and adapting regularly to meet the needs of our pupils. We aim to continue to learn, develop and grow our understanding of SEND across the school to meet the needs of all pupils within our care.
If you have any concerns or wish to discuss SEND at our school, please do not hesitate to contact our special eductionanal needs and disabilities co-ordinator (SENCO):
Mrs Vicki Bradford
Please read our Local Offer of Provision and SEN Report (found at the bottom of this page) to find out more about the ways in which we meet the needs of our pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly, if you have specific questions about your child's needs.
Our SEN policy and accessibility plan can be found below or by clicking here.
Additional Support
If a child continues to have difficulty after intervention or has a high level of difficulty when they join our school, they may be considered to have Special Educational Needs/Disability (SEND).
At Holmes Chapel Primary School, we provide support for pupils across the 4 areas of need as laid out in the SEN Code of Practice 2014:
- Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
- Sensory and/or physical needs
Children with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) have learning difficulties or disabilities that prevent them from making the same progress as other children of the same age. They will require different support or help e.g. modified tasks, extra time or breaks in formal assessments.
Our school and other agencies can help most children overcome their difficulties quickly and easily. A few children will need extra help for some or all of their time in school. The difficulties that children with SEND may present include:
- Some or all work in school
- Reading, writing and mathematics
- Understanding and processing information
- Expressing themselves
- Understanding others
- Organising themselves
- Sensory perception or physical mobility
- Managing their behaviour or emotions
- Making friends or relating to adults
- Understanding social skills
- Understanding how to deal with frustrations
- Developing good, fine and gross motor skills
If a child continues to have difficulty or has a high level of difficulty when they join us or as they progress through school, they may be considered to have a Special Educational Need or Disability.
If your child is identified with a Special Educational Need or Disability, school will follow the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014. It sets out a step by step approach. You should be consulted and involved at all stages. You will be informed and invited to discuss any concerns.
We work closely with outside agencies who will only come in to see your child if you have given us the permission.
Other professionals that come into school are:
- Educational Psychologists
- Occupational Therapists
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Cheshire East Autism Team