Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs May

Ms Lackford

Ms Lackford has two cats, two cars and two children.
She likes making up stories, skiing and reading books in a bubble bath.

Welcome to Year 1

Class 1: Mrs May, Mrs Whalley, Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Lal, Mrs Parker

Class 1a: Ms Lackford, Miss Beechener, Miss Bennett


Class emails

[email protected]

[email protected] 

Please note these are not checked daily so should not be used for urgent communication or information about appointments/absences/hometime arrangements etc.



Our first allotment session is on Monday 24th.  On an allotment day the children will be outside for 
a whole or part of an afternoon, so they can come into school in clothes that are suitable for being 
outdoors in a muddy environment. Suitable footwear (wellies or sturdy boots/trainers) should either 
be worn or brought to school in a bag.

In the week beginning 24/02/25 in Year 1 we will be discussing the NSPCC’s PANTS rules.

These are designed to teach pupils how to stay safe, without giving explicit information or telling scary stories.

The session will be fully age-appropriate and mainly focus on feeling comfortable around other people and what to do if someone makes us feel uncomfortable.

In the lesson, children will learn about the ‘PANTS’ acrostic, which stands for:

  • Privates are private.
  • Always remember your body belongs to you.
  • No means no
  • Talk about secrets that upset you
  • Speak up, someone can help.

More information about talking PANTS, including a short film and a parent guide can be found at

Please contact your child’s class teacher via the office if you have any queries about this resource.

A copy of this term's homework grid has been sent out in reading folders- please have a look and help your child decide which piece(s) they want to do.

We are seeing a lot of bags of crisps coming into school for snacks. As we are a healthy school please can you send alternatives on as many days as possible).

Now that the children are in Year 1, we ask that they come to school in their PE kits on their PE days.


Next week in Year 1 (24/02/25):

Monday -  PE kits/Allotment clothes

Tuesday - Normal school uniform

Wednesday - PE kits

Thursday - Normal school uniform

Friday - Normal school uniform

Our learning for the week:

Phonics assessments of the new graphemes and phonemes learned this term.

Maths - partitioning numbers 1-10 and using the + and = symbol.

English - Postcards and capital letters for place names

Science - Allotment session.

PE - Invasion games. Balancing and spinning.

PSHE - Pants are Private

RE - Easter

Art- clay fire marks

History - Old and new houses

Computing- Purple Mash 'Maze Explorers'.



Our PE days this week are:

Monday - Indoor PE

Wednesday - Outdoor PE (depending on the weather).

Please ensure hair is tied back and jewellery is removed for PE days. Thank you.

Dates for Diaries



There is no Show and Tell. This was a transition between Reception and Year 1. We will give children the opportunity to develop their presentation and listening skills when we do our presentations of the homework towards the end of the term.

If someone else is collecting your child from school, please could you either email or ring the school office [email protected]. We must be informed if it is another family member or another adult collecting your child. We will phone at hometime if we are uncertain.

Please ensure you have labelled your child's clothing and snacks to avoid any confusion between the children. We are a nut free school and snacks should be healthy. 

Toast money can be payed via ParentPay.

Please talk to your child about their meal choices so that they know what to order each day. We would be very grateful if you could ensure that your child is able to use a knife and fork to cut up and eat their hot meal.

Jewellery other than stud earrings must not to be worn in school for safety reasons. Toys and teddies should not be brought in to school either.

Ensure your child can fasten their own laces and zip up their own coat. If they can't fasten their own laces, please wear appropriate shoes without laces. 



There is a wellbeing tab with lots of activities for the children to access. Take a look at the links and the activities in the files.


We look forward to a happy and successful year with your children!

Year 1 Team

Files to Download

Year 1: News items

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Year 1: Blog items

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Year 1: Calendar items