Week 30

Class: Reception Year: 2022 - 2023

This week in class R,  we have been learning all about Meerkats and animals that live in the Kalihari desert, We looked at the Kalihari desert on Google Earth and compared it to Holmes Chapel. We spoke about how we could get between the two places and what type of transport we would need. Sunny the Meerkat from our story liked to travel around and wrote postcards to his family, so we decided to write a postcard to him a postcard about Holmes Chapel.  The children enjoyed telling us about the places they like to visit from the Pirate ship park to the fish and chip shop. 

The children have really enjoyed seeing Skye the new school puppy. She is very cute and loves a good pat. She is a little bit of an escape artist so we have to be very careful around her. 

In P.E this week the children have practised their dribbling skills, rolling and throwing into a target and catching skills.

This week in maths, we have spent some more time consolidating our knowledge of teen numbers. We used cubes and ten frames to represent the teen number, knowing that we always need 1 full ten and some more of the next ten. The children have also looked at how the numbers are written and what those number represent. Some really good skills shown this week. 


Next week, we have our Reception school trip to Blue Planet on Wednesday, 17th. Please remember to send your child with a packed lunch if you haven't ordered one from school. If you are unsure, please check with a member of the reception staff.  We will set off after our register and aim to arrive back by the end of the day, ready for normal pick up time.

Our story next week will be The Rainbow Fish and we will be learning all about the life in our oceans.

Show and Tell:

19th May: Green team

26th May: Yellow team

9th June: Red team

16th June: Blue team

Primary School


Middlewich Road
Holmes Chapel


Norma Smeaton

01477 533336


Fiona Gresty

Holmes Chapel Primary School enables children to enjoy learning, achieve their full potential and be happy and successful