Week 9 in Class R
Class: Reception Year: 2023 - 2024
Hello everyone!
It has been another busy week in Reception this week with lots of indoor and outdoor learning, including a special visit from the PCSO.
On Monday we learnt about the history of Fireworks night. We acted out the story of Guy Fawkes. We also learnt the ‘Remember, remember’ rhyme.
In Literacy this week, the children have used adjectives to describe fireworks. We listened carefully to the sounds the fireworks make, watching a video and generated fireworks vocabulary. The children then had a go at writing the word 'pop'. On Tuesday, the children created firework rockets in their colour teams to music. In the afternoon, the children used instruments to represent the noises of fireworks. On Thursday we used all our firework adjectives to create our own class poem ‘Fireworks go’. The children used their phonics to read simple onomatopoeia words. We performed our poem as a class using actions to help us.
Fizz Pop
Sprinkle Sprinkle
Bang Boom
There goes another one
Lights of fire shoot up high into the sky
On Friday it was Remembrance Day. We watched the BBC animation and read the story where the poppies now grow. The children were interested to hear what life was like during the wartime and we discussed shelters in the gardens, rations and the significance of poppies and laying a wreath. We may see some of you in the village on Sunday during the Remembranec procession and we talked about how everyone will do a 1 minute silence.The children have spent the day making poppies in many different ways: painting, loose parts, in our craft area and we even made our own class wreath with buttons, tissue paper and pipe cleaners. It looks great on display.
In maths, we have focussed on subitising numbers 1, 2 and 3, and 4. We played a game of ‘Who has more?’ We chose different children to hide cubes or counters behind the back. The class then had to guess who had more. We then opened our hands to compare by subitising. We could then see who got it right. We also compared groups of up to 3 objects by matching them and say when they have an equal number. We set up a picnic with three characters and some fruit. The class helped me to match the fruits to the characters. Checking each time if we had an equal number of fruit for each one. On Friday we built towers with an equal number of squares and matched the squares in the towers 1:1. The children had to say when there is an equal number, too many or not enough.
In PE, we practised ball skills. The children learnt how to roll a ball with applying the correct amount pressure, passing the ball around the body and between their legs.
We have started to practice our Christmas Nativity songs. We will soon be sending our lines for the children to practise at home.