Week 38 in Class Ra

Class: Reception Year: 2023 - 2024

This week in Ra we have been learning all about France and the Paris 2024 Olympics. We have designed our own booklets all about France and wrote a couple of facts that we have learnt this week. We looked at France on a map and a globe. We spoke about all the different ways we can get to France. The children were very interested in the Eurotunnel. We watched a video of this and spoke about how it works. We looked at The Eiffel Tower and learnt some interesting facts like how many stairs it has and how long it takes to climb it.

We have looked at French greetings and colours. The children have learnt how to say hello, goodbye and thank you in French. We also looked at introducing ourselves “Je m’appelle ….”. We have learnt the names of all the colours and sang some French songs.

On Tuesday the children learnt all about the artist Henri Mattise. We looked at some of his artwork and spoke about why we liked it. The children then had a go at creating their own Henri Mattise collages. Some children took inspiration from Henri Mattise and layered their shapes.

In Maths this week we have been looking at parts and whole. We have practised finding the parts in the whole and then saying number sentences to go along with them (for example 10 is the whole, 5 is a part and 5 is a part.

In P.E this week the children have practised their throwing and catching. We played some throwing games with bean bags in our colour teams and had a throwing competition.

On Friday, we got to fulfil our Cube Jar Treat because we have worked so hard all term. We chose to come to school in own clothes or fancy dress, which has been so much fun! We got to watch the Year 6 summer performance, which was really funny. In the afternoon, we watched a movie set in France about a beauty and a beast, whilst enjoying a few French treats! We spread jam onto baguettes and sipped at hot chocolates. Yummy! 

This week’s VIP has been Jenson! Jenson loves P.E and science. He always tries his best! Well done Jenson!

Miss MacWilliam