Week 37 in Class R

Class: Reception Year: 2022 - 2023

Good afternoon all, 


This week has been a different week as the new children who are starting in September came to school, so we were very grown up and went to the year 6 classrooms to do some activities with Mrs Gresty and Mrs Bradford. 

On Monday in literacy, we read the story The Castle the King Built. After this, we looked at the different roles and jobs in a castle. The children have been thinking about which roles they would have liked to do. On Tuesday, we drew a cross section of a castle and discussed where these people would have done their jobs. 


In maths, we have used our rekenreks again to look at number bonds to 10 using our fast 'subitising' eyes, and also to delevop our understanding of teen numbers being 10 and a bit more. 

On Thursday in PE, we had a fun afternoon practising some cricket skills. We looked at bowling, batting and playing a little game where we practised batting and running in between cones. 

On Friday, we had lovely morning learning how to make playdough ourselves. The children listed the ingredients and wrote the instructions themselves. We all have a small ball of playdough that we made in our colour groups and we have sent the instructions home so that you can make it again yourselves. We had a great time, but we are sorry if the children come home a bit messy. 


Making playdough




2 cups of flour

1 cup of salt

1 cup of water

1 spoonful of oil



Food colouring in water



Put the flour in the bowl.

Pu the salt in the bowl.

Mix it up.

Put the water in the bowl.

Mix it up.

Knead it with the palm of your hand until it is smooth.


Wash our hands.



In the afternoon, we looked again at water safety and discuss the water rules to keep us safe around water. We know that many people might have paddling pools out in the hot weather or might go on holiday where there is a pool. I wonder if the children can remember the water safety code themselves. 


water safety code.jpg