Week 34 in Class R

Class: Reception Year: 2023 - 2024

This week, Reception have been learning all about trains. In English, we have really enjoyed our new text from the Little Red Train series - 'Busy Day.' We have thought about train journeys we have taken and shared our experiences, written about the inner workings of steam trains and analysed maps to find destinations. We are train experts!

In Maths, we have been looking at numbers up to 10, using our Numberblock friends to help us with our understanding. We have been carefully ordering, counting and recapping our 'one more' and 'one less' skills. 

In PE, we have continued practising for Sports Day, this week really focussing on our balancing skills. We tried lots of activities with bean bags in order to improve our balance, such as racing with them on top of our heads. To celebrate the start of the Euros 2024, we also practised our football skills - it was very tricky to remember to put our foot 'on top to stop' the ball, but we had great fun!

On Friday, we came to school with purple prizes for our Rainbow Raffle, wearing our own clothes - which included lots of purple! We also did lots of expressive art and design, including Kandinsky-style concentric circles.