Week 33 in Class Ra

Class: Reception Year: 2023 - 2024

This week in Ra we have been learning all about caterpillars and how they transform into butterflies. We have learnt all about the metamorphosis process and how it works. We have also looked at the life cycle of a caterpillar.

In Literacy this week we have read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. The children have used adjectives and an alliteration to describe the food in the story. We had some brilliant ideas like “lovely lollipop” and “sweet strawberry.” On Tuesday afternoon we searched for bugs in the wooded area, we made a class bug hotel. The class also made some leaf rubbing pictures to take home. On Wednesday we looked at caterpillars and learnt some really interesting facts. We then made a class fact file for a caterpillar! On Thursday the children had to use their bodies to act out the story, for example, curled up into little balls for cocoons, wriggling like a caterpillar.

In P.E this week the children have practised the egg and spoon race and sprint again in preparation for sports day!

In Maths this week we have practised using the rekenreks. We have practised using our subitising skills and moving the beads along the wire.

On Friday we did some butterfly art. We started by looking at butterfly pictures and discussing the patterns we could see. We painted a pattern on our butterflies and tried to make the pattern the same on each side.

This week’s VIP has been Maeva. Maeva is a kind and happy member of our class! Maeva loves art and design and drawing. Well done! We enjoyed looking at the yellow teams show and tell this week. Next week it will be green group’s turn for show and tell. Please could the green team bring in their show and tell bags on Friday morning.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss MacWilliam


Show and Tell

14th June- Green

21st June- Blue

28th June- Red