Week 33 in Class R
Class: Reception Year: 2022 - 2023
Good afternoon everyone,
It has been a lovely, warm and sunny start back to the final half term in reception.
The children have come back eager and raring to go.
This week, we have based lots of our learning around our new story Jack and the Flum Flum tree. The children have enjoyed joining in with the rhymes, acting out the story with our small world figures, drawing their own story map to help them to retell the story and on Friday, Miss Wootton set up a stage for the children to act out characters and objects/ things in our story during our helicopter story time. This is where children have to think carefully how someone or something could be acted out, e.g. how would you move your body to be a tree.
In maths, we have been looking at repeating patterns again and developing our skills to be able extend our patterns and make them more complex. To do this, we have used a lot of body percussion, e.g STOMP, STOMP, CLAP. They children had to watch and listen to Miss Wootton, work out what her pattern was and then recreate it and continue it. Mrs Noble took the children out to make patterns with nature items they found on the playground and in the woods. On Friday, our colour groups made up their own patterns and performed them to the class.
On Thursday, the children were spent some time practising the letter g and q. We used the Little Wandle formation picture and rhyme to help us and we have been working on the sizing of tall long ladder letters ( ascenders) and letters that go below the line ( descenders).
Later in the day, we went to do some sports day practice outside where we tried again on our egg and spoon, working on our balance as well as a good speed, and also jumping to the finish line in our sacks. Next week, we will practise our novelty race with our buddies. We are very excited about this.
Due to all classes wanting to practise for sports day on the track, we have a time slot for Reception use only. This is going to be Fridays. We, therefore, ask you to send your child in on Fridays in their PE, no longer on Thursdays.
Next week's show and tell us the blue group.
Just a couple of reminders:
Please send in your child with a water bottle, sun hat, a layer for the chillier mornings and a raincoat in case of changeable week. In addition, please apply suncream to your child before the arrive at school. We are unable to apply cream for them, so we suggest that you use a once a day cream. If it needs more than one application, your child will need to be able to do this themselves.
If your child is having a snack, please ensure that it is a healthy snack such as an oat bar, a oiece of fruit or veg, etc.Toast is available to purchase from the kitchen (25p per slice).