Week 31 in Class Ra

Class: Reception Year: 2023 - 2024

This week in Ra we have read Augustus and his Smile by Catherine Rayner. We spoke about how Augustus feels in the story and the children wrote a short sentence describing Augustus’ feelings, e.g. Augustus is sad. We also spoke about what made Augustus happy in the story. The children shared with the class what makes them happy in a circle time. On Thursday we created a whole class story map for Augustus and his Smile. On Friday we looked at different habitats in the story and spoke about the animals that live in them. The class created their own habitat collages in colour teams using recycling. Well done Class Ra!

On Tuesday we used our cutting and sticking skills to make a fantastic tiger picture. The class had to cut out eyes, whiskers and leaves to create their artwork. When they were finished they looked amazing! Well done Ra! 

In Literacy this week we wrote sentences to describe Augustus and what happens in the story. The children thought about how Augustus was sad and then what changed at the end of the story to make him happy. This has linked with our PSHE and resilience.

On Thursday afternoon we were very lucky as our Year 6 buddies came to visit us! Year 6 helped us in our P.E lesson and worked with their buddy to create different movements. Some of the Year 6 children performed with their buddy at the end of the lesson. We also completed a scavenger hunt with our buddies. We had to look for different things around our Reception classroom and outdoor area. We had a brilliant afternoon!

In Maths this week we have learnt to recognise odd and even numbers. The children have worked in pairs to share different amounts between them to find out if a number is odd or even. We then displayed this on the board under 2 columns labelled ‘odd’ and ‘even.’ We have also looked at doubles again this week. We used a collection of 10 objects in the middle of a circle and showed double 1, double 2, etc. by placing the objects on either side of a piece of tape/measuring stick. We recognised that 2 equal groups can make a double, e.g. double 3 is 6 altogether. We have also done lots of maths activities this week to consolidate this learning.

This week’s VIP has been Alistair. Alistair loves maths and science (in particular, space). Well done Alistair!