Week 3

Lesson: EYFS

Class: Reception Year: 2024 - 2025


Week 3 in Reception 2024

The children have settled into their new classes really well this week and we are very proud of how grown up they are all being. This week we have:

  • Learnt about the school rules ‘Bee the best you can be’. We have learnt lots of facts about bees and have re-enacted the waggle dance, before tasting some honey.
  • We have used our ‘fast eyes’ to subitise (recognise) amounts to 3.
  • We have continued learning our new sounds. This week we learnt i, n, m and d. Homework should have come home on Thursday.
  • We met one of our school dogs and talked about our own pets and how we care for them.
  • Practised our mark making and early writing in lots of different ways. We are helping the children to have a firm, secure grip on their pens and pencils.
  • The children have eaten their lunch in the hall for the first time with the older children. They have been very sensible about trying new food and clearing their own trays.
  • We have been playing out on the big playground and lots of the children enjoyed meeting up with their friends and siblings in other year groups.

Next week

We will be reading the book ‘We’re all wonders’ and talking about what makes us all wonderful.

We will be getting changed for PE on Friday, so please ensure your child has their PE kit in school by then.


Please help your child to recognise their written name at home and talk to them about the colour group they are in, as this will really help us in class.

We will create a gallery of photos each week and post it on the VLE. If your child does not appear on the photos, it is because we don't have permission from you to post their photo.

Have a lovely, restful weekend.

From all of the Reception team.