Week 28 in Class Ra
Class: Reception Year: 2022 - 2023
This week in Ra we have been learning all about tiger facts. We have watched videos from Chester Zoo and learnt what tigers eat, where they live and some other really interesting facts. The children added these facts to their fact files and we created our very own Class Ra fact file book! On Friday we learnt all about deforestation and what it means. The children learnt how this creates habitat loss and what we can do to help.
We continued reading the book ‘Augustus and his Smile’ by Catherine Rayner. We spoke about how Augustus feels in the story and how his emotions change at the end of the story. The children spoke about times they have felt sad and then things that make them feel happy again. It was lovely to hear that the children play with their family and friends when they feel sad. Well done Ra!
In Literacy this week we wrote Tiger description sentences to go with our Tiger fact files. We watched videos of tigers from films and from the wild and we created a word bank of adjectives as a class. The children then wrote the sentences about tigers on whiteboards. The children wrote “Tigers have…” and then used an adjective to describe what they look like.
In P.E this week the children have practised their dribbling skills. We worked in our colour teams to dribble the ball carefully around the cones. We also practised our catching skills and learnt we need to carefully watch the ball to know where to put our hands. This was fantastic for our hand eye coordination skills. At the end of the lesson we learnt to pass the ball around a circle and carefully use our foot to guide the direction of the ball.
In Maths this week we have been learning about teen numbers. On Monday we started with the number 11 and investigated what 11 is made up of. The children practised putting 11 on a tens frame and realised it was a 10 and a 1. We also used a part whole model to separate 11 into two parts. The children then wrote the number sentence “10 + 1 = 11”. Throughout the week we have learnt a new teen number every day and on Friday we learnt 15. The children have also practised counting to 20 this week. Well done Ra! We will continue investigating teen numbers next week starting with 16 on Tuesday.
This week’s VIP has been Phoebe. Phoebe is a kind and polite member of our class. Phoebe particularly loves Art and Design! Well done Phoebe! We enjoyed looking at the yellow teams show and tell this week. Next week, it will be red group’s turn for show and tell. Please could the red team bring in their show and tell bags on Friday morning.
Show and Tell:
Friday, 5th May: red group
Friday, 12th May: blue group
We hope you have a lovely weekend and bank holiday Monday! We will see you on Tuesday!