Week 26

Class: Reception Year: 2022 - 2023

Good afternoon everyone!


We hope you have had a lovely last week of term. We have had a fun-filled week with lots of Easter activities. We have been learning all about Easter with Mrs Lal in our RE assemblies and talked about how we celebrate Easter at home. 

This week, we worked in groups to bake chocolate cornflake cakes as Easter bird nests. The children helped us to weigh our ingredients, we thought about how we could melt out ingredients, they did a great job of stirring and coating the cornflakes with the chocolate mixture. We even managed to spoon out the mixture without too much spilling. We hope they enjoy them. 

On thursday, we did some observational drawing of daffoldils to create our Easter cards. The children looked at the different parts of the flower, drew them and water coloured them too. 

We have also worked on our fine motor skills to weave a little basket to carry our Easter crafts home in. 


In maths this week, we have been looking at subtraction and taking away 1 and 2 from a given number. We have used some real life problems to base our maths on, for example, George has 10 sweets and Miss Wootton takes 2 to eat. How many does George have left? We have also been using the language of fewer. 8 is fewer than 10. The children used cubes and counters to work this out. Why not try to see if your child can do some problems at home with Easter eggs, peas on their plate, etc. 

In PE this week, we had our final session of indoor gymnastics with apparatus where we focused on travelling in different way. The children have really loved their PE lessons this half term and are always excited to see what equipment we have out. This week, we introduced the monkey bars on our A frame. Some children were quite confident at this with good upper body strength. 


Show and Tell will start first week back:

Friday, 21st April green group

Friday, 28th April yellow group

Friday, 5th May red group

Friday, 12th May blue group


Thanks for all of your kindness and support this half term. Enjoy a lovely Easter break everyone!

Primary School


Middlewich Road
Holmes Chapel


Norma Smeaton

01477 533336


Fiona Gresty

Holmes Chapel Primary School enables children to enjoy learning, achieve their full potential and be happy and successful