Week 25 in Class Ra

Class: Reception Year: 2023 - 2024

Good afternoon all, 

This week in Ra we have learnt all about insects. On Monday we looked at the poem ‘The Bug Chant’ by Tony Mitton. We looked at all the rhyming words in the poem and the children discussed what a rhyming word is. We then wrote our own verse to the poem as a class. On Tuesday we learnt all about spiders and made our own spiders to hang up at home or around the garden. On Thursday we looked at butterflies and spoke about their life cycle. The children had a go at ordering their life cycle. We watched a video of caterpillar transforming into a butterfly.

In Literacy this we have written sentences about a butterfly. We have labelled the butterfly life cycle. The children wrote “It has wings. They are…” and then used describing words to finish their sentence.

In P.E this week we carried on practising jumping in gymnastics. The children practised jumping safely along a bench. We learnt how to star jump off a bench. We also practised balancing along a bean walking sideways.

In Maths this week, we have been looking at odd and even numbers. The children have also practised sorting groups of objects by their shape, size and colour. The children made the number blocks using cubes and then sorted them into odd and even.

On Friday, we enjoyed an assembly where we listened to KS1 children who have been learning to play the ukulele.

Our V.I.P this week has been Poppy. Poppy is a lovely friend and enjoys art and design. Well done! We enjoyed looking at the yellow team’s show and tell this week.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.

Miss MacWilliam

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Holmes Chapel


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01477 533336


Fiona Gresty

Holmes Chapel Primary School enables children to enjoy learning, achieve their full potential and be happy and successful