Week 23 in Class R

Class: Reception Year: 2022 - 2023

What an exciting week we've had in Reception this week!


This week in R we have looked at our Earth and pollution. We have talked about how special it is and how we need to protect it. We read a lovely book called Tiny Crab is a Tidy Crab which showed us the importance of looking after our beaches and open spaces to protect the animals that live there. The children wrote some sentences to show how the crab felt when his animal friends left their rubbish and polluted the beach - his home. 

In Phonics this week, we revisited the digraph “er” and the trigraph “air”. We practised reading words which included these phonemes. We also revisited double letters for example “mm” in “hammer and longer words, such as 'fantastic / laptop'.

This week, we have had an exciting week with 2 trips. On Wednesday, we went to the Lyceum Theatre to watch Zog by Julia Donaldson. The children were super sensible on the bus and in the theatre. They really enjoyed the show watching how Zog won a golden star and, of course, they loved their snacks. On Thursday, we took a snowy walk to the library. Again, the children were very sensible walking through the village and across the roads. They all had a talk about what they can do and find at the library, and they also were allowed to choose a book. You can find a letter inside their books to tell you when the book needs to be returned to to the library. 


In Maths this week, we learnt about number pairs to 10. We have been problem solving with real life problems, working out if we have enough snacks for children in a group. We used our ten frames to have 3 oranges and worked out how many more we needed to make 10, using our subitising skills. 

It has been science this week, we have looked at animals and their habitats. We spoke the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things. We thought about where animals live and discussed why we have zoos. The children have learnt that zoos are to help protect the animals, especially those that are endangered. We also learnt that they can be cared for before being released back into the wild, and that zoos help us to learn about the animals and how they live. 


In show and tell this week, Olivia brought in a snake skin for us to look at and we learnt all about how the shed their skins, what they eat and how to be careful around them. It was a really interesting talk. 

A big thanks to all the adults who helped us on our trips this week. It is very much appreciated and we wouldn't be able to do these without your help. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend and we'll see you next week

Primary School


Middlewich Road
Holmes Chapel


Norma Smeaton

01477 533336


Fiona Gresty

Holmes Chapel Primary School enables children to enjoy learning, achieve their full potential and be happy and successful