Week 17 in Class Ra
Class: Reception Year: 2022 - 2023
This week we have continued learning about Lunar New Year. We have looked at how homes are decorated for Lunar New Year. In Art this week we have learnt about Kandinsky and how he used 2D shapes in his artwork. The children had a go at creating their own Kandinsky inspired artwork. The children have also drawn their own dragons and made dragon masks.
In Maths this week the children have been practising using a part-whole model and partitioning the number 6 into two groups. The children also had a go at writing a number sentence 5 + 2 = 7. In P.E this week the children learnt a dragon dance. We used pieces of fabric to make a dragon and the children worked together in their teams to move the dragon in a wave motion.
We took advantage of the snow this week and the children made snowmen and patterns. We spoke about how the snow melts when the sun comes out. We had a lot of fun in the snow!
In Literacy this week created a list of adjectives to describe a rabbit. The children then wrote a sentence describing the rabbit using one or two of the adjectives from the word bank.
This week’s VIP has been Jacob. Jacob is a kind and popular member of our class. He always has a big smile on his face! We enjoyed looking at the red teams show and tell on Friday. Next week, it will be blue group’s turn for show and tell. Please could the blue team bring in their show and tell bags on Friday morning.
Have a lovely weekend and we’ll see you next week when we will be starting our new project on Space and Sky.