Week 13 in Class Ra
Class: Reception Year: 2023 - 2024
Hello everyone,
This week we have been practising our Nativity performance. On Thursday we performed our Nativity play to Year 3, 4, 5 and 6. I was very impressed with how well the children did and we got a big round of applause at the end from the other children. Well done Ra!
This week we have been learning about toys from the past and toys from the present. We compared toys from both and spoke about how we might know if they are from the past or present. We noticed that the toys from the past were most likely made from wood or cloth. We then compared to today’s toys which are more likely to be made from plastic. We had some really good suggestions from the class about the use of batteries today compared to toys from the past that might have been pulled along or pushed instead. We looked at different toys and tried to work out whether they were past or present.
In literacy this week we wrote a sentence “Can I get a…” and we practised writing a Christmas list. We also practised our handwriting this week and focused on writing on a line. Next week we are going to write a letter to Father Christmas.
In maths this week, the children continued to engage with activities that draw attention to the purpose of counting – to find out ‘how many’ objects there are. The children investigated the concept of 1:1 correspondence by making sure that they match collections of objects to their representations. We began to develop their understanding of the concept of cardinality and applied this concept to count more abstract things, such as claps and jumps.
We have started to count together to numbers larger than 20 and explored the pattern of number names beyond the tricky ‘teen’ numbers. We also began to link quantities to 5 with their corresponding number and explored conservation of number by investigating what happens when they are rearranged.
Our V.I.P this week has been Maeva. Maeva is fantastic at phonics and enjoys the small school role play area. Well done Maeva!
Next week on Tuesday is our Nativity performance at 10am. We look forward to seeing you there if you can attend.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss MacWilliam