Week 12 in Class R

Class: Reception Year: 2022 - 2023

What a fantastic week in Reception. On Monday, we had a visit from the dentist and we spoke about healthy foods and the importance of brushing twice a day.

This week we have started a new book The Jolly Christmas Postman. We have discussed greeting cards and why we send cards to loved ones. We designed and wrote cards to our buddies in Year 6, inviting them to our Christmas Nativity. In the Jolly Christmas Postman, he visits lots of fairy tale characters and listens to nursery rhymes. The children enjoyed learning 'Hey Diddle Diddle' and we even learned how to say the animals by signing. Ask your children to see if they can remember how to sign dog, cow and cat.  Next week we are going to act out Little Red Riding Hood in our class.

In Literacy we wrote sentences about characters from the Jolly Christmas Postman for example “I can see Red”. We practised our letter formation and finger spaces. In Phonics we looked at words ending in 's', making them into plurals such as cats and cups. 

In Science, we investigated thunder and lightning, we used red and blue beads to learn about electrons and neutrons and how tthey react to each other.  We also discussed how paper is made and the importance of recycling paper for the environment.

In Numeracy, we learnt more than and fewer than, and outside we used balls to knock down skittles in our partners. We spoke about who had knocked down more and fewer.  and talked about how numbers can still be the same amount even if they are composed differently (4 and 1 is 5 just as 3 and 2 is 5) We used stamps to make our own Numberblock stampolines. 

Thank you to blue group for sharing their show and tell bags with us. Next week there will be no show and tell.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday for more Christmas fun!

Primary School


Middlewich Road
Holmes Chapel


Norma Smeaton

01477 533336


Fiona Gresty

Holmes Chapel Primary School enables children to enjoy learning, achieve their full potential and be happy and successful