Week 11 in Class Ra
Class: Reception Year: 2023 - 2024
Hello everyone!
It has been another busy week in Reception this week with lots of indoor and outdoor learning. We have been learning about families and how all families look different.
In Phonics we learnt th, sh, ng, nk. All the children have read in their reading groups this week. We played a blending game where all the children had to point to the different animals. We have been focusing on our tricky words this week and teaching the children why they are tricky. If you would like any more information on tricky words please feel free to email me.
In Literacy this week, we have been looking at different families. The class wrote the sentence “It is my family.” and practised their letter formation. We also discussed age and different ages in our families. We compared ages of the people in our families. I showed the class pictures of my family and my dad. We looked at how we change over time and the differences between a baby, child and an adult. The class really enjoyed talking about their own families and who is the youngest and oldest.
This week we have started practicing for our Nativity Christmas play. We have told the children what their part in the play is. We have also sent home the children’s line(s). Please help your child practice their lines at home.
In maths, we have focused on whole and parts. We started the week by speaking about objects that have parts and what a whole is. We looked at jigsaw puzzles and how they need all their parts to make a whole picture. We cut up apples and bananas and discussed how many parts we could make. We even tried to put them back together to make a whole. On Wednesday we played a game ‘Guess the whole’. We showed pictures of parts of an object and the class had to guess what the whole object was from the small part we were shown.
In PE, we played some ball games. We started the lesson by playing the "car game" and moving around each other safely. We then worked together in partners and teams to throw, pass and catch a ball. We practised finding a space and moving around each other safely. We also practised changing direction and walking backwards. We played a game where the children had to pass the ball through each others legs and they counted how many passes they made.
On Friday, we unfortunately didn't have our planned visitor -the Dental Nurse. However, we still talked about how it is important to look after our teeth. We talked about what it is like to visit a dentist, how the dentist checks our teeth and how to brush them. We practised brushing for two minutes so that the children knew how long the amount of time is. We spoke about the importance of brushing your teeth. We watched a video of Dr. Ranj and he explained why we brush our teeth, for how long and how many times a day. We then pretended to brush our teeth for 2 minutes and making sure we got every tooth in our mouth.
This week’s VIP has been William. William is a popular and kind member of our class. He loves playing outside and has tried really hard with his phonics this week. Well done William! We enjoyed looking at the red teams show and tell this week. Next week it will be blue group’s turn for show and tell. Please could the blue team bring in their show and tell bags on Friday morning.
Blue team – 1st December
We hope to see lots of you at the Christmas Fair tonight!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week!
Miss MacWilliam