Week 10 in Class R

Class: Reception Year: 2022 - 2023

What a busy week we have had! 

We started the week with our odd socks to support Anti-bullying week and ended with lots of spotty Pudsey Children in Need outfits! 


The children have enjoyed our story this week all about Supertato. They found evil peas had taken over the classroom, so we used our junk modelling skills to create traps for the Grand Evil Pea. In literacy, we looked at what makes a good trap and we designed our own inventions, talking about each part to explain how it works and what it does.


In maths, we have been exploring 1 more and 1 less. We created our numbers using counters and cubes on 5 frames and number tracks. We looked at the number got small or bigger as we moved up and down the number track. The children are getting very good at using their fast eyes to see numbers within numbers and  seeing how they are made up of different parts. It is good to encourage the children to say what they can see / what they notice. This is especially good when out and about or reading books, e.g. I can see two 3 flowers here and 2 here. I can see 1 car here and 2 there, etc. 

The Nativity practice is coming along well. We have been practising our songs and actions and this week, we even managed to do our acting on the stage. Well done everyone! Please keep practising learning your words at home and talking in a loud and clear voice. 

The children were very excited for the Children in Need raffle announcement in assembly this week. Well done to Georgia and Edward for winning prizes! 


Next week's show and tell is Red group. We look forward to seeing what exciting things you all bring in!


Have a lovely weekend everyone! 


Primary School


Middlewich Road
Holmes Chapel


Norma Smeaton

01477 533336


Fiona Gresty

Holmes Chapel Primary School enables children to enjoy learning, achieve their full potential and be happy and successful