Week 2

Lesson: EYFS

Class: Reception Year: 2024 - 2025

Week 2 in Reception 2024

We have had a lovely second week. The children have behaved brilliantly and settled into our routines without a fuss. We have:

  • Made new friends
  • Explored our inside and outside environments
  • Read lots of stories and sung songs
  • Practised our writing and mark making
  • Started our phonics lessons- the children can now recognise 's,a,t,p'. There will be weekly phonics homework sent home every Thursday. This really helps consolidate the week's learning and keeps you up to speed with what we are doing in class
  • ...and had lots of fun!

We have also started our statutory Reception Baseline Assessments. These are completed 1-to-1 with your child. See the web link for more information: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/reception-baseline-assessment-information-for-parents/reception-baseline-assessment-information-for-parents

Next week, we look forward to welcoming the children full time into their new classes. The class lists will be sent to you on Friday.

We will create a gallery of photos each week and post it on the VLE. If your child does not appear on the photos, it is because we don't have permission from you to post their photo.

Have a lovely, restful weekend.