Last week in Reception for Class R
Class: Reception Year: 2022 - 2023
Well, we cannot believe it is the last day of your child's time in Reception. It has truly been amazing to watch each and every one of them grow into the little people that they are. They have all been such a special part of our year and they have all brought their own little personality to the classroom. We are incredibly proud of all of them and cannot wait to see how they shine in year 1. We hope that you all have a lovely summer, spending time as a family and getting a little bit of rest.
Thank you all very much for your kind words, cards and gifts. It is so kind of you all and we are very grateful!
Mrs Noble, Miss MacWilliam and I would like to thank all the staff who have helped us all year, helping the children to learn, clean dirty knees, wipe away tears and join in with the crazy songs and dances that we do each day.
A HUGE thank you goes to all the parents, grandparents and helpers who show us so much support, volunteer on trips and Mystery Readers, wait in the rain and have a lot of patience when we have forgotten something. We could not do it without you.
Lastly, we would like to thank your children for coming in shining each day making our time in reception so much fun. We will miss you all!
Miss Wootton, Mrs Noble, Miss MacWilliam and the Reception Team.