Next Week in Year 2
Week beginning:24th February 2025
Monday - Wear normal school uniform
Tuesday - Wear PE kit for inside PE, gymnastics. The children can bring up to 3 small toy vehicles (with wheels) into school for DT either named or in a named bag.
Wednesday - Wear normal school uniform
Thursday - Wear normal school uniform
Friday - Wear PE kit for outside games
English - The children will return to Anthony Browne and read Gorilla. They will sequence the story, write a book review and answer comprehension questions.
Please return reading practice books on Tuesday, new books will be sent home on Wednesday.
Spelling - Words where ‘-er’, ‘-est’, and ‘-ed’ are added to words ending in ‘e’
Violet's Vowel Suffix and Verb Vikings (Root words with long vowels) are games the children have enjoyed playing. Click here to play.
Maths - The children will sove problems involving the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, link multiplication stories to factors in multiplication equations and link the two times table to doubling. The TTRS competition/tournament between the 2 classes will be live until after half term.
Science - The children will explain how young animals are different to adult animals.
Computing – The children will complete their painting pictures unit of work.
DT - The children will investigate how toy vehicles move. They may bring in up to 3 vehicles, named or in a named bag, to investigate how they move.
PSHE - The children will recognise possible risks and identify strategies to help them resist pressure to do something wrong.
RE - The children will learn about the Theme of Ressurection in Christianity by answering the question: How important is it to Christians that Jesus came back to life after His crucifixion?