Next Week in Year 2




Week beginning:24th February 2025

Monday - Wear normal school uniform

Tuesday - Wear PE kit for inside PE, gymnastics.  The children can bring up to 3 small toy vehicles (with wheels) into school for DT either named or in a named bag.

Wednesday - Wear normal school uniform

Thursday - Wear normal school uniform

Friday - Wear PE kit for outside games


English -  The children will return to Anthony Browne and read Gorilla.  They will sequence the story, write a book review and answer comprehension questions.

Please return reading practice books on Tuesday, new books will be sent home on Wednesday.

Spelling - Words where ‘-er’, ‘-est’, and ‘-ed’ are added to words ending in ‘e’

Violet's Vowel Suffix and Verb Vikings (Root words with long vowels) are games the children have enjoyed playing.  Click here to play.

verb vikings.JPG

Maths - The children will sove problems involving the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, link multiplication stories to factors in multiplication equations and link the two times table to doubling.  The TTRS competition/tournament between the 2 classes will be live until after half term.  

Science - The children will explain how young animals are different to adult animals.

Computing – The children will complete their painting pictures unit of work.

DT - The children will investigate how toy vehicles move.  They may bring in up to 3 vehicles, named or in a named bag, to investigate how they move.

PSHE - The children will recognise possible risks and identify strategies to help them resist pressure to do something wrong.

RE - The children will learn about the Theme of Ressurection in Christianity by answering the question:  How important is it to Christians that Jesus came back to life after His crucifixion?