Our Topics

Autumn term learning:

In science we will be looking at seasonal changes, especially autumn and winter, including the temperature, length of day and weather.


In RE, will look at what Christians believe is special about the birth of Jesus and the gifts they might give him.


In music, we will be exploring how to play percussion with control as well as getting ready for our Christmas performance.


In art, we will look at landscapes. 


In computing, we will be using Purple Mash to learn about grouping and sorting data, and pictograms.


In PHSE, we will be looking at the special people in our lives.


In geography, we will be looking at the human and physical features of Holmes Chapel.


In history, we will be looking at how houses have changed over time, exploring the idea of chronology.


In outdoor PE, we will be developing our skills in net and wall games.

In indoor PE, we will be focusing on gymnastics.